Function hookWebRTCConnection

  • Hooks a given RTCPeerConnection so that all connections it creates are automatically proxied through the given MockRTCPeer.

    This allows you to capture traffic without modifying your WebRTC code: you can create offers/answers and signal them to a remote client as normal, and both the local and remote connections will connect to MockRTC instead.

    What happens once they connect depends on the configuration of the given peer. This mocked local connection will follow the steps defined by the peer, so may receive mocked messages injected there, or delays, or anything else. The remote peer will receive nothing until a proxy step is reached (if ever), at which point the local & remote peers will be able to talking directly, although all traffic will still be proxied through MockRTC for logging and analysis/validation elsewhere.

    It is possible to proxy both real peers in a connection, potentially with different mock peers so that they experience different behaviours during the connection.


    Returns void

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