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Interface TlsFailureTimingEvents




connectTimestamp: number

When the socket initially connected, equivalent to startTime.

High-precision floating-point monotonically increasing timestamps. Comparable and precise, but not related to specific current time.

disconnectTimestamp?: number

When the connection was closed, if it has been closed.

failureTimestamp: number

When the TLS connection failed. This may be due to a failed handshake (in which case handshakeTimestamp will be undefined) or due to a subsequent error which means the TLS connection was not usable (like an immediate closure due to an async certificate rejection).

handshakeTimestamp?: number

When Mockttp's handshake for this connection was completed (if there was one). This is not set for passed through connections.

startTime: number

When the socket initially connected, in MS since the unix epoch.

tunnelTimestamp?: number

When the outer tunnel (e.g. a preceeding CONNECT request) was created, if there was one.

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