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Namespace PluggableAdmin

This API is not yet stable, and is intended for internal use only. It may change in future in minor versions without warning.

These generic pluggable admin components allow composing an admin server and client that are capable of managing arbitrary mock protocols, including Mockttp but also others depending on the admin plugins used. To use Mockttp, combine this with the MockttpPluggableAdmin API.


Type Aliases

PluginClientResponse<Plugin>: Plugin extends AdminPlugin<any, infer ClientResponse> ? ClientResponse : never

This file exports the core pluggable admin types, without anything Mockttp-specific included. That's useful so that downstream usage of pluggable without Mockttp doesn't need to load all our dependencies (especially heavy things like brotli-wasm).

In future these parts might be extracted into a separate library, but it's a bit tricky to do so immediately as the server side does actually include some unavoidable Mockttp dependencies for API backward compatibility.

Everything exported here is experimental, and many change unpredictably in future releases.

Type Parameters

  • Plugin

PluginClientResponsesMap<Plugins>: { [ key in keyof Plugins]: PluginClientResponse<Plugins[key]> }

This file exports the core pluggable admin types, without anything Mockttp-specific included. That's useful so that downstream usage of pluggable without Mockttp doesn't need to load all our dependencies (especially heavy things like brotli-wasm).

In future these parts might be extracted into a separate library, but it's a bit tricky to do so immediately as the server side does actually include some unavoidable Mockttp dependencies for API backward compatibility.

Everything exported here is experimental, and many change unpredictably in future releases.

Type Parameters

  • Plugins

PluginStartParams<Plugin>: Plugin extends AdminPlugin<infer StartParams, any> ? StartParams : never

This file exports the core pluggable admin types, without anything Mockttp-specific included. That's useful so that downstream usage of pluggable without Mockttp doesn't need to load all our dependencies (especially heavy things like brotli-wasm).

In future these parts might be extracted into a separate library, but it's a bit tricky to do so immediately as the server side does actually include some unavoidable Mockttp dependencies for API backward compatibility.

Everything exported here is experimental, and many change unpredictably in future releases.

Type Parameters

  • Plugin

PluginStartParamsMap<Plugins>: { [ key in keyof Plugins]: PluginStartParams<Plugins[key]> }

This file exports the core pluggable admin types, without anything Mockttp-specific included. That's useful so that downstream usage of pluggable without Mockttp doesn't need to load all our dependencies (especially heavy things like brotli-wasm).

In future these parts might be extracted into a separate library, but it's a bit tricky to do so immediately as the server side does actually include some unavoidable Mockttp dependencies for API backward compatibility.

Everything exported here is experimental, and many change unpredictably in future releases.

Type Parameters

  • Plugins

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